"WIND & FIRE" The Animated TV series
From Silver*Ware Productions
From Silver*Ware Productions, Inc. comes a new animated TV Series for mature audiences, "Wind & Fire:
The Animated TV Series". It has the look of Anime and the movement of Disney. It's also the first Afro-American, Japanese
Animation television series in 3D CG.
Wind & Fire "The Animated Series" |
Wind & Fire trailer
His sight was taken away when he was just a "rookie cop" for the NYPD. Now it’s the year 2007 and Travis Wane is
now one of the New York City Police best "Homicide Detectives"; cleaning up the dirty streets of Manhattan, NY. He armed only
with a straight sword concealed in a pearl "Cobra Headed" cane. He’s also been trained to increase his other four senses
to supernatural levels by a Ninja Master.
Travis is also teamed up with a hot-tempered Hispanic detective, Ana Scott; who’s a high level black belt in Tae
Kwan Do and a marksman with a 9mm beretta. Their mission is to take down a mob boss & loan shark; fronting as a Real Estate
Buyer (Charles Falone) that thinks he’s above the law. It's a race to find an eye witness to a murder that can link
Charles to the murders; which can destroy him and put him away from good. Travis and Ana's main object is to find the eye
witness and put away Charles before his murderous goons and hitmen do.